- What's up with Crystal Skulls: Kyle explains and shows you    < tune in THIS Sunday at 6pm EST for the
Crystal Skull Sale >
- New at CrystalConcentrics: fresh uploads, jewelry and more
- Events for YOU: Meditations, Readings, Healings coming
up.   < THIS Sunday at 7pm EST, for online Crystal Meditation >
- Featured Video: Who is Kyle Russell of Crystal Concentrics
- Ongoing Media Resources: Blog, Podcast, Book, etc.
- Purchase your own Power Stones: Online or at our Shop
1. Why Crystal Skulls? And our annual review/sale!
Below is a brief (1-minute) TikTok I made to explain why I think Crystal Skulls are special, watch it and consider my perspectives!
And below is the extraordinary selection of "100 Skulls in 10 minutes" we have on and off line, many of which are on sale,
pick the one you like and we'll talk!
PS. if you're interested in anything you see in this video above, screenshot it, and email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest.
2. See what's new at CrystalConcentrics.com
Did you know? We sell pure gold earrings, like the ones pictured to the right, and also rough diamond crystals.Â
Remember, most of our inventory is OFFline, so writing Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com is the best way to take advantage of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.
Also feel free to share with us your wish list, what you'd like to see!
3. Upcoming Events: In-Person and Virtual Events
We have so much to offer, times are all Eastern Standard Time:
ONLINE EVENTS (sign up for Live Access & Replay Links)
IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)
Please be in touch if you have any questions, we'd love to include you.
4. Whois Kyle Russell of Crystal Concentrics?
Every once in awhile, it's necessary to introduce - or reintroduce myself - to existing and prospective followers...here's that 1 minute elevator speech...on TikTok/Instagram/YouTube, and now here!
5. ongoing Media Resources: articles, blog, podcast, book
6. Visit Portal Crystal Gallery or Order OnlineÂ
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm seven days a week
Social Media