Our first LIVE 50% OFF SALE event (above) is on YouTube,
focusing on a handful of flats over just 13 minutes,
it's still relevant (and you can pick out what you like).
We'll do another one on Facebook TOMORROW (this weekend, 10/3) at 7pm EST)...simply go to my page then...here's the URL:
We did the same live on Instagram and TikTok, the latter was better (surprise, surprise), and we've already sold some items.
This feels like a good way to celebrate the Portal Crystal Gallery being open 4 years this month - we're going to be rededicating our Gallery Space, and 2 big tables in our main store - to showcasing 50% off items. Come by Portal and see the full selection (1-4pm daily).
PS. if you're interested in anything you see in this video above, be sure to Reply or email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest.