We've finally selected a printer for the hard copy books we've ordered TODAY. Once we know their arrival date, we can set an official Launch Date for the eBook and hard-copy in June! Those we've promised advance PDF's will finally get them, and we'll begin promotion in earnest.
4. Philosophy Video:Prepping for the Vaccine with Crystals
In this video, Kyle wears a needle-mimicking Himalayan laser quartz as well as a Tiger Iron pendant, and had meditated with a Ruby and Herkimer Diamond. The next segment has him leaving the vaccination center. And the last segment shows him feeling great, but reporting some of the side effects that dogged him the first day and a half. It's important to do your spiritual work before such major life events. Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com for more
Also note, Kyle recently past 87K Followers on TikTok!