- Crystal News: Pre-Order Crystal Energy Book
- Upcoming Events: Online Talk Show, Readings, Sound Healing
- Video/Product of the Week: Affordable Smalls: Sugilite
- Media Update: "Going Viral on TikTok" new Blog + Podcast
- Crystal Philosophy Video: Manifestation, Moldavite and Sugilite
- Space Stone Update: Star Moldavite(?!) plus Jewelry
- Purchase your own Power Stone: Online or at our Shop
1. Crystal News: An Update from Kyle
You can NOW pre-order (or get directly from Amazon)
the hard copy of Kyle's "Crystal Energy:
Understanding and Working with Stones for Clarity and Flow."
JOIN OUR LAUNCH TEAM by committing to Review "Crystal Energy"
2. Upcoming Events: In-Person and Virtual Events
We have so much to offer in-person and virtually coming up NOW:
ONLINE EVENTS (sign up for access & replay links)
IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA)
3. Video of the Week/Product Spotlight: Affordable Small Sugilite
Sugilite: affordable smalls around $100 and less. See our extensive selection - still being priced - right here in this video. Have a look! Hit Reply or contact Kyle with interest.
4. Media Update: New Blog + Podcast "Going Viral on TikTok"
Make sure to watch my video giving you a sense of my experience!
5. Philosophy Video: Moldavite vs
Moldavite vs Sugilite and comparing their relative impacts in terms of Manifestation & Transformation.
Also note, Kyle recently past 88K Followers on TikTok!
6. Space Stone Update: Amazing Moldavite
Above, is a photo of some of the more affordable Moldavite jewelry we've just uploaded to the Crystal Concentrics site, along with MANY other items, a number of which are still OFFline (including new Libyan Desert Glass).
Unique Moldavite Video above: a "Cat's Eye" or asterated "Star" Moldavite?! Have a look for yourself, it's a wonder, to be sure! And we're working on getting it set into a pendant. Prepurchase to guarantee it's yours!
7. Visit Portal Crystal Gallery or Order Online
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm seven days a week
Purchase Remotely
or email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com for unlisted inventory
Remember: 95% of our inventory is OFFline
Social Media