- Online Meditation THIS Sunday, April 11, at
7pm EST
- Metaphysical Meaning video of Libyan Desert Glass on YouTube
- Crystals360 program and Crystal Energy Book
- Medium Saturday w Cheryl Bradley & Psychic Sunday w Terry Milton
- Crystal Zone Podcast clip
- Purchase your own Power Stone
1. Online Crystal Meditation Sunday, April 11th!
Perhaps the best way to get a tangible experience of working with Crystals is to participate in these guided crystal meditations led by Kyle Russell, a 30-year veteran of working with crystals!
Whether you're available during the live experience or not, sign up anyway - it's only $10 - and you'll get Replay access
if you're busy or something comes up. Enjoy some deep
grounding and relaxation with 2 carefully chosen power stones!
2. Metaphysical Meaning of Libyan Desert Glass (LDG)
LDG is one of those stones I'm still learning about, "researching" through Meditation and deduction, using my 10 Energy Zone system. As you'll see from the video, it "lives" at the intersection of Self, Healing, and Alien Energies.
For more info, it's best to WRITE KYLE
Also note, Kyle's recently past 81K Followers on TikTok!
3. Join our Crystals 360 program for the new year!
It's not to late to join us for a year in an intimate online Crystal Community with one "class"/discussion monthly, and a monthly online meditation
For $10 get access to Kyle's unlisted YouTube video, in which he personally previews his entire book with you!
Below is a glimpse of the forthcoming hardcopy of Kyle's book, now due out in May. See above to access his latest video all about it.
4. Portal Gallery (in Arlington, MA) is OPEN daily, 1-4pm
Cheryl Bradley, Medium
Reply if you're interested in arranging a remote session!
Terry Milton, the Stone Lady
5. The Crystal Zone Podcast
Kyle Russell talks about the process of writing his book, and some of the key elements in it, including differences he has with the prevailing Crystal Lore, practical applications for using crystals, and a reference listing he'll be including (by energy zone and also
Quartz vs. non-Quartz).
7. Order online or visit Portal Crystal Gallery
Visit in person
Portal Crystal Gallery
89 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm seven days a week
Purchase Remotely
or email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com for unlisted inventory
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Online Store
Social Media