💎 Portal Gallery is now OPEN, book-writing, videos and more 💎
Published: Sun, 06/07/20
Re-Opening & Events at our Portal Gallery shop in Arlington, MA
Medium Readings THIS Saturday (6/13) with Cheryl Bradley
Kyle is writing a Crystal book, to be published THIS Fall
Latest Blog & Podcast: 10 pre-and-8-post Surgery Crystals
Video Update: new Membership options are here!
new Crystal Buyers' content: Angel and Arkansas cluster
New Video on Crystal Skulls on YouTube
Cool Stone spotlight: special display pieces of Bumblebee Agate
Stay in Touch (ways to contact us and see us on Social Media)
YES - Phase Two has begun - and we are open for business at Portal. New limited hours of 1-4pm daily (with some exceptions) AND by appointment, just
call 781-859-5397 or email PortalCrystalGallery@gmail.com.Â
Pandemic Preparedness: we've had the place professionally cleaned, countertop acrylic shield put into place, we have hand sanitizer, wear masks, and don't open our bathroom to visitors
We still have a lot of our Tucson2Boston show items brought back from the Gem Show in Arizona on display in our Gallery space.Â
Please know that we're happy to set up a video appointment, and hook you up with our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service, curbside pickup (or drop off) as you like.
2. Psychic Medium Readings with Cheryl Bradley (6/13)
We are thrilled to finally be able to host popular reader Cheryl Bradley after several bumped dates, due to the closure. Time slots are filling fast, so you'll want to click through (image above or button below) and book now!
Congratulations! As a Subscriber, you've automatically passed from the Heartlevel to the Window level (accoring to our fancy new graphic below), and some of you are in our Crystals360 or Inner Circle programs. Now we have 2 other levels - the Pyramid and Diamond - where you can access more of our resources and get more out of your 6 degrees of Crystal Concentrics connection. MORE INFO CLICK HERE OR
If you have enjoyed any of our recent programming, or would like to, subscribing monthly could make it easier to get access links and Replays. There are product & service discounts, and well as quality online Meditations to experience. Maybe you want to learn a whole lot more
about the Crystal Concentrics Human / Crystal Energy paradigm.
Reply or Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with any questions.
We are finally gonna start posting new products for sale directly from our website. The items above are so new we haven't had a chance to. Discounts are available to members...
Above you'll see 6 Crystal Skulls out of the several dozen we've been featuring through YouTube. We also have TONS of wonderful stones ready to sell - email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest in our Quality Custom Crystal Order service - also see our latest YouTube videos, we're up to 200 videos posted, all for your enjoyment!
Check out the exquisite Bumblebee Agate display pieces from China. We're always getting new items and mailing other things out, including custom wire wrapping work. YOU TOO can order online be in touch!
Our brick-and-mortar Storefront:
Portal Crystal Gallery (489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA) by appointment www.PortalCrystalGallery.com
Online Store (w/Blog, Videos and more):www.CrystalConcentrics.com