Yes, I'm here in Tucson, I start setting up for 3 days
~ AND, we have 2 new offerings!
Above you'll see me standing in front of a giant slab of Pilbara Prase from
Australia - gorgeous stuff - and you'll also see a giant clear Quartz
and an Amethyst with pristine Calcite 'spears' in it.
Watch below to see our latest YouTube video from Tucson!
Above you'll see some green Prase Quartz from Inner Mongolia (12 grand)
+ a French Gogotte concretion (10 grand). I didn't buy them,
but I wanted to, but instead got LOTS of other great things you'll love.
In 8 Wednesdays, I launch my first annual program called Crystals 360, which starts March 18th
You're hearing about this first here, but this new concept was borne of me
about to meet 50,000 people coming through the 22nd Street Show in Tucson starting THIS Thursday (1/30).
I have a new business card, fresh postcards,
free standing banners and a great big backdrop all
advertising Crystal Concentrics with a QR code (and so much more)!
AND, having established my in-person Meditations locally, I thought this would be the perfect time to develop an online program that people can sink their teeth into wherever they are.
It'll consist of the following, for 12 months(!):
- an online curriculum class
- an online Meditation
with an option to also have
- a third, group meeting online
and individual, remote sessions with ME
Special Guest Offering from Kyle's wife Nina Manolson
The Compassionate Eating Program is for you if you experience…
A) regret and food-guilt after every meal
B) your harsh inner-critic yelling at you for eating more than you intended to
C) the cyclical disappointment of making food choices that you know make you feel crappy
D) the frustration of already knowing what you “should” have done, but not doing it.
There is such a sense of deep EXHAUSTION and RESIGNATION when you watch yourself fall into the same “I-wish-I-didn’t-eat-that” hole – OVER and OVER again.
The 21 Day Compassionate Eating Course
is the path to treating yourself in the way you truly need and deserve.
Learn more and register here:
Watch this YouTube video to learn about our FREE poster!
Whether you're 'on the list' already or not, you'll want to
get our best free giveaway yet! Watch the video and
click through to the opt-in page from its description (or below).
Feel free to hit Reply if any issues come up, or with Questions,
it's literally the gateway to understanding the Crystal Concentrics paradigm for working with Crystals!
The 10 Human / Crystal Energy Zones are clearly laid out in this poster, and associated with 3 exemplary Crystals from
each category. In total, 30 Crystals are identified individually, and their energies are explained. You'll get page one of this poster free, at the links provided above.
To get a hard-copy version delivered to your door with a whole 2nd side (heavy stock, U-V coated, and mailed with
a cardboard insert to protect it in the mail),
click on the link below, it's under $10 mailed!
In the meantime, stay tuned for details regarding our
Crystals 360 annual online program, VERY exciting!
Don't forget to scroll down if you're in New England,
to see our locally happening events!
our second podcast is now available
In this second edition of the Crystal Zone Podcast
(they're all under 30 minutes)
Kyle discusses Crystal panaceas, Spirit Work,
5 Stones for Healing, and Pseudo Science.
Last glimpse of our Tucson Gem Show display
the way we set it up at our Portal Crystal Gallery. I'll be excavating it from my POD over the next few days, after which I'll be able to show you photos and videos of my finished display, which will be even more amazing than this (on account of my having bought more wonderful things)!
Of course things will change a bit ('on the ground')
- and at the show, our tables won't be folded in on
each other as they are here in this video (in our gallery)
- but this is roughly what's going to be on display
for 18 days and 50,000 people come January 30th.
Our focus will be Power Stone Pendants, unusual Mineral Specimens, Rare Sugilite, and Soothing Jade. As well as our own Crystal Greeting Cards and the Crystal Meditation and Affirmation Card Deck.
Scroll down past Regional Events for
more video and online info
Regional Events at the Portal Gallery, Arlington, MA
Crystal Experience Meditation ~ Monday, Feb. 24 (7-8pm)
Readings with Terry Milton ~ Saturday, Feb. 23 (12-2pm)
Readings with Cheryl Bradley ~ Saturday, Feb. 29 (12-2pm)
Our brick-and-mortar storefront & warehouse location
Portal Crystal Gallery
open 7-days a week (12-5pm)
489 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington Center, MA 02474
Another recent Video for you!
Sugilite cutting slabs, from our "What's in my Flat?!" series
Not even up on our site yet, this video showcases TWO flats full of wonderfully colored Sugilite cutting slabs, perfect also for collectors. We'll soon have a strong selection of Sugilite smalls for under $100 each.
Please remember, most of our product is OFFline,
so it's best to Reply here or to Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com
if you don't see what you're looking for.
Did you Know?
We specialize in Custom Pendant Wire-Wrapping
You just mail us your Power Stones and we send them
to our trusted expert, for wrapping. They get mailed back to us,
and we send them straight to you!
(or simply Reply if you need help navigating this process)
We're very proud of our 2nd edition Crystal Meditation and Affirmation card deck - the image above details its many qualities - and we're getting it reprinted, because it's been so popular.
Our Videos Online: check 3 places!
we have tons of videos on Facebook,
specifically informative Facebook Lives
We have lots of Videos on Facebook, not all of which get to our
YouTube channel, here's the link (below) you'll wanna
click through to have a look at them.
we also have over 150 videos on YouTube
or remotely, via MAIL ORDER
Check out our new Sales site (by Category!):
Although 98% of our products are OFF line,
you'll get a sense of what we have on the site, but remember,
you can always Reply or Message us with Special Requests
...custom orders are a specialty (we can send photos, video, etc.)
just hit Reply or email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com
how to find crystal concentrics...
brick and mortar storefront ~ Portal Crystal Gallery: 489 Mass. Ave. ~ Arlington Center, MA
NEW store mailing list ~ http://bit.ly/PORTALNEWS
Portal Crystal Gallery Site ~ www.PortalCrystalGallery.com
Email ~ Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com
Main Crystal Info Site w Online Store ~ www.CrystalConcentrics.com
Facebook page ~ http://www.Facebook.com/CrystalConcentric
2nd Facebook page ~ http://www.Facebook.com/PowerStoneCrystals
YouTube channel ~ http://www.youtube.com/user/CrystalConcentrics
Facebook Profile (friend me here) ~ https://www.facebook.com/kyle.russell.355
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