- Online Shop Uploads: new specimens and jewelry
- Upcoming Events: Meditations, Readings, Shows, etc.
- What to Cling To when you're Down: Connect to Source
- Ongoing Resources: see all our various links
1. Surge in Uploads: adding to our online selection
Bunch of new addition to our almost 1000 items at www.CrystalConcentrics.com - from outstanding specimens like large Lemurian Quartz wands to African Citrine - to really special pendants like Gem Amazonite and Crystallized Rose Quartz. Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com for our Quality Custom Crystal
Mail Order service.
2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom
 Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time  ONLINE EVENTS (Live Zoom Access & via Replay) Please be in touch if you have any questions, we'd love to include you!
 IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery
in Arlington, MA)
 OUT SHOWS (NOT on our website, only listed in this newsletter)
3. What I Learned from a FirePlace: plugging into Source
I got one of those rare colds - literally after I was packing my pallets up for Tucson outdoors in 20 degree weather - so until I got better, I needed hot showers and to be by the fire till I could maintain my own body heat. Similarly, we can get Spiritual Support by
connecting to our Power Sources when we're down or disconnected and feeling vulnerable (which a lot of us are, right about now...what a Time!). Â
4. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book...
Remember - while we do keep adding new items online - most of our product is OFFline. So it's best to email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays
Email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com