- Holiday Discounts: 4 LIVE videos w Display Pieces 50% Off
- Upcoming Events: Meditations, Expo, Readings, etc.
- Medication Meditation: yes, even Meds need intention
- Ongoing Resources:
see all our outstanding links
- Purchase your own Power Stones:Â online or at our store
"THE LATEST" (a PERSONAL NOTE from KYLE): We're SO ready for Holiday Shopping! We've got all sorts of great product available at our Portal Gallery and ALSO
online. Our December events are all posted too it's not too soon to sign up! 1. Large Display Pieces Selection ON SALE (50% OFF) Here we have Part 2 (of 4) showing off a segment our 50% OFF Display Pieces - some never shown before, or even priced (until now) - but all now clearly marked and marked DOWN! The location is along the floor of our 10 Energy Zone bays at the Portal Crystal Gallery (in Arlington, MA), owned by
CrystalConcentrics.com, our main site. The LIVE's run 10-20+ minutes, and they're on YouTube. Reply or email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com with interest in any of these items.  2. Upcoming EVENTS, Live and on Zoom  ONLINE EVENTS (click thru to sign up for Live Access & Replays) Times are all Eastern Standard (NY) Time Please be in touch if you have any questions, we'd love to include you!  IN-PERSON (at the Portal Crystal Gallery in Arlington, MA) - SHOP DAILY Portal is open 1-4pm daily, Noon on Saturdays
- Wenesday, 12/7 in-person Meditation with KyleÂ
- Saturday, 12/10 (12-2:30pm)Â Readings w Cheryl (SOLD OUT)
- Saturday, 1/14/23 (12-2:30pm)Â Psychic Medium Readings w CherylÂ
3. Sugilite, beyond the purple! This one of my top favorite stones is actually composite, so you get a different mix of "granola" in every box! The video shows you blue Richterite (akin and related energetically to Sapphire); red Bustamite (akin to Ruby); and black Manganese (relatively inert, compared to the black Protection
stones). 4. Resources: store, articles, blog, podcast, book... Remember - while we do keep adding new items online - most of our product is OFFline. So it's best to email Kyle@CrystalConcentrics.com to avail yourself of our Quality Custom Crystal Mail Order service.
5. Visit Portal Crystal Gallery / Order Online Â
Portal Crystal Gallery
489 Mass. Ave. Arlington Center, MA
Open daily 1-4pm daily, from Noon on Saturdays
Social Media